Help us continue our work in Tamil Nadu. We currently support over 400,000 people living in rural poverty.
Donate a one-off amount, or set up a monthly direct debit. Prehaps you can spare £3 a month to help those less fortunate.
General donations enable us to use your donations where the need is greatest. Our charity funds Water, Education, Environmental, Livelihood, Women's Empowerment, and Health projects across hundreds of South Indian villages.
General donations help us fund:
- Over 500 Women's Self Help Groups - Empowering women to save money, access loans, and share experiences in a safe environment.
- Livelihood incentives - Empowering people to start up small businesses and become self-sufficient.
- Life skills - Teaching Adults and children the importance of empathy, creative thinking, and building people's confidence.
- Mobile Health Clinics - Providing essential medical care to thousands of people living in rural poverty.
- Water projects - Providing access to safe drinking water and purification units to some of India's poorest communities.
- Disability support groups - Helping over 600 members in over 50 groups gain ID cards, save money, and become self-sufficient.
- Child Malnutrition programmes - Providing daily nutritious porridge to more than 100 children living in rural poverty.
Our charity has raised over £5 million since 1988 and has supported millions of people. We thank you for enabling us to help some of India's poorest communities.
Thank you from us all here at SOTE